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Find Out Exactly How to Realign

with Your Human Design in just 5 minutes


Did you know that all the awesome gifts of your gates, channels & centers can't truly shine if you're not following your Strategy & Authority?!


Whether you're a Generator, Mani-Gen, Manifestor, Projector or a Rare Reflector if you're diving into your Human Design journey without it.


It's a little bit like being blind while trying to use a flashlight. 

Remember...Success is InevitableIf you Follow YourStrategy & Authority

It's the One Major Key To Unlocking Your Power

So how do you know what it feels like to be in step with your Strategy? 


It can be hard to tell sometimes.

If you've been asking yourself...

  • Am I waiting to respond as a Generator?

  • Am I initiating & informing as a Manifestor?

  • Am I waiting for recognition/invitation as a Projector?


We made this quiz so you don't have to second guess.

It will tell you if you're aligned with your Authority Center arming you with the awareness of exactly what behaviours to change to realign with your Design.

Are You
Following Your Strategy & Authority

Find out with the Alignment Quiz from Human Design Angle

Image by Houcine Ncib

So you know your Strategy & Authority are the most significant piece of your Human Design Chart but you're not sure what to with it?


This 5 minute quiz will help you determine if you're currently following your Human Design Strategy or if you're operating out of some of your open centers.


These insights can finally cut through the noise and unlock personal insights that will help you

make clearer, more intuitive decisions without those gloomy feelings of stress, anxiety and doubt.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Start Your Human Design Experiment with 

the help of our Foundations Breakthrough workbook


Reflect on your Chart with 

journal prompts, quizzes and

alignment exercises.


Create your own Realignment Action Plan & start living your design!

Image by Markus Spiske
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